Rice Cultivation Technology
in Baubau, Indonesia
1. The Rice Plant
1.1. Rice, Life Itself
1.2. Rice, Food for Mankind
1.3. Rice Growing Area
1.4. Rice Production
1.5. Cultivated Rices
2. The Morphology of Rice Plant
2.1. Morphology of Cultivated Rice
2.2. Seeds
2.2.1. Seed types
2.2.2. Structure of seed
2.3. Leaves
2.3.1. Rice leaf
2.3.2. Leaf of rice seedling
2.3.3. Leaf of mature plant
2.3.4. Growth of leaf
2.3.5. Leaf, food factory
2.4. Roots
2.4.1. Rice roots
2.4.2. Crown roots
2.4.3. Root functions
2.5. Culm
2.6. Panicle
2.7. Spikelet
2.8. Grain
3. Growth and Development of Rice Plant
3.1. Life Cycle of the Rice Plant
3.2. Growth Phases
3.2.1. Vegetative phase
3.2.2. Reproductive phase
3.2.3. Ripening phase
3.3. Germination Requirements
3.3.1. Germination
3.3.2. Water
3.3.3. Air
3.3.4. Temperature
3.4. Factors Affecting Seedling Growth
3.4.1. Source of food for growth
3.4.2. Water depth
3.4.3. Water regime
3.4.4. Temperature
3.4.5. Light intensity
3.4.6. Sufficient nutrients
3.4.7. Excess nutrients
3.5. Rooting
3.5.1. Root development
3.5.2. Root distribution
3.5.3. Root distribution and topsoil
3.5.4. Root distribution and plowing
3.5.5. Root distribution and fertilizing
3.6. Tillering
3.6.1. Primary tiller
3.6.2. Tillering pattern
3.6.3. Production of tillers
3.6.4. Productive and nonproductive tillers
3.6.5. Variety affects tillering
3.6.6. Spacing affects tillering
3.6.7. Season of planting affects tillering
3.6.8. Nitrogen level affects tillering
3.7. Development of Panicle
3.7.1. Panicle initiation
3.7.2. Opening of spikelet
3.7.3. Flowering order of a panicle
3.7.4. Stages of grain formation
3.7.5. Causes of empty spikelets
4. Rice Field Preparation
4.1. Repairing Levees
4.2. Plowing
4.3. Harrowing
5. Raising Rice Seedlings
5.1. Seed Preparation
5.1.1. Breaking dormancy
5.1.2. Soaking
5.1.3. Incubating
5.2. Methods of Raising Seedlings
5.3. Wetbed Method
5.3.1. Selecting the appropriate location
5.3.2. Preparing the land
5.3.3. Constructing the seedbed
5.3.4. Sowing the seed
5.3.5. Irrigating the seedbed
5.3.6. Pulling the seedlings
5.3.7. Bundling the seedlings
5.4. Drybed Method
5.5. Good Seedlings to be Raised
5.5.1. Uniform growth
5.5.2. Short leaf sheath
5.5.3. Good root growth
5.5.4. No pests nor diseases
6. Rice Transplanting
6.1. Reason to Transplant
6.2. How to Transplant
6.3. Methods of Transplanting
6.4. Random Transplanting
6.5. Straight Row Planting with Planting Guides
6.5.1. Materials
6.5.2. Establishing base lines
6.5.3. Setting up planting cord and distributing seedlings
6.5.4. Planting the seedlings
6.6. Straight Row Planting with Wooden Markers
6.6.1. Wooden markers
6.6.2. Establishing base lines
6.6.3. Marking the field
6.6.4. Planting the seedlings
6.7. Spacing of Transplanting
6.8. Depth of Transplanting
6.9. Seedlings per Hill
6.10. Cutting Leaves before Transplanting
6.11. Replanting Missing Hill
7. Fertilizer Application
7.1. Nutrients Needed by Rice Plants
7.2. Fertilizers
7.3. Sources of Fertilizers
7.3.1. Organic fertilizers
7.3.2. Inorganic fertilizers
7.4. Nitrogen
7.4.1. Fuctions
7.4.2. Fertilizer efficiency
7.4.3. Application times
7.4.4. Application amounts and rates
7.4.5. Application methods
7.4.6. Seasons and fertilizing
7.4.7. Soil fertility and fertilizing
7.4.8. Varieties and fertilizing
7.4.9. Weeds and fertilizing
7.5. Phosphorus
7.5.1. Functions
7.5.2. Application amounts and rates
7.5.3. Application methods
7.6. Potassium
7.6.1. Functions
7.6.2. Application amounts and rates
7.6.3. Application methods
8. Water Management
8.1. Functions of Water
8.2. Water Source and Loss
8.3. Critical Stages of Water Management
9. Weed Control
9.1. Common Weeds in Rice Fields
9.2. Rice-Weed Competition
9.3. Difference between Rice and Grasses
9.4. Proper Time of Weeding
9.5. Methods of Weed Control
9.5.1. Physical methods
9.5.2. Chemical methods
10. Pest Management
10.1. Insect Pests
10.1.1. Insect pests of rice
10.1.2. Damages
10.2. Diseases
10.2.1. Rice diseases
10.2.2. Symptoms
10.3. Pest Control
10.3.1. Cultural control
10.3.2. Resistant varieties
10.3.3. Biological control
10.3.4. Chemical control
10.4. Other Pests of Rice
10.4.1. Birds
10.4.2. Rodents
10.4.3. Snails
11. Post-Production Operations
11.1. Harvesting
11.2. Threshing
11.3. Drying
'Rice Cultivation' 카테고리의 다른 글
2.1. Morphology of cultivated rice (0) | 2010.07.17 |
4.2. Plowing (0) | 2010.07.17 |
4.1. Repairing levees (0) | 2010.07.17 |
1.3. Rice growing area (0) | 2010.07.17 |
1.2. Rice, food for mankind (0) | 2010.07.16 |