Rice Cultivation

4.1. Repairing levees

유해영 2010. 7. 17. 17:02

4.1. Repairing levees


  Levees are constructed to impound irrigation water in rice fields. The levees should be repaired to reduce seepage from time to time. It is important to clean the levees to be repaired properly. The weeds growing on top and both sides of the levee should be cut using scythe, knife, or shovel. The working man should cut the weeds close to the ground. When rat holes and big cracks are detected in levees, as soon as possible it is necessary to break up, rebuild, and patch the cracks in the levees with mud. And  water outlet in a levee is established to control irrigation water depth in a rice field.

해외기술지도4의 괭이질 참조




Plaster the levee


smoothen the levee’s surface



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