예진대학교 총장 틴특박사는 본인과 외국에서 같은 대학에서, 같은 시기에, 같은 식물육종 전공, 박사학위를 공부한 분으로, 동문이라고 무척이나 반가워한다. 대단히 명석한 분이다. 원래 본인이 본대학에 머무르는 3개월 동안 20명의 학생에게 강의를 해주기로 계획이 되어 있었으나, 수강생을 대폭 늘여, 220명 학생에게 강의를 해주기를 간곡히 부탁하여 해주기로 하였고, 본인이 저술한 책자를 1,000여부 복사해서 학생들에게 배부하기를 원하여 동의 하였다. 생각치도 않게 200명이상, 미얀마 제자들이 생기게 되었다. 총장실에서 담화후 기념촬영을 한 것이다. 미얀마 수도에있는 최고의 명문 국립대학교 총장이라는 직책은 사회적 지위가 상당한 것이다. 미얀마는 전형적인 농업국가로서, 이와같은 나라는 종합대학명칭을 농업대학이라고 부르는 예가 있다. 중국 흑룡강성 동북농업대학도 그러하다. 미얀마 남자들은 여자들이 입는 치마와 비슷한 옷을 입는다.
예진농업대학교 총장 틴특박사
아래가 200여 학생들에게 강의해 줄 강의계획서와 실습계획서이다. 관련 연구자들을 위해 공개한다.
Lecture schedule(강의계획서)
1. Title: Rice Production Technology in the Tropics
2. Duration: July to September
3. Lecturer: Dr. Ryu Hae-yeong
4. Language: English & Korean by Dr. Ryu, translated into Myanmarese by Ms. Mya
5. Date and time
Time: 9:30 to 11:30 am.
July 9: rice plant, morphology of rice plant
July 16: morphology of rice plant, growth of rice plant
July 18: field trip
July 30: morphology of rice plant, growth of rice plant
Aug. 1: growth of rice plant, field preparation
Aug. 6: raising rice seedling
Aug. 8: raising rice seedling, rice transplanting
Aug. 13: rice transplanting, direct seeding
Aug. 15: mid-term examination(중간고사)
Aug. 20: direct seeding, fertilizer application
Aug. 22: fertilizer application, water management
Aug. 27: water management, pest management
Aug. 29: pest management, postproduction operation
Sept. 3: pest management, postproduction operation
Sept. 5: postproduction operation, seed production
Sept. 10: final examination(기말고사)
6. Practice
-Date and time: Aug. 6 to Sept. 5
-Practical exercises will be given instead of lectures depending on materials for the practice.
7. The schedules can be changed depending on situations
Practical Exercise(실습계획서)
1. Title: raising rice seedlings for machine transplanting.
2. Materials
- rice seeds (Manawthukha), plastic tray, bed soil, plastic water sprinkler, etc.
3. Objectives are to raise;
- 30 days old seedlings for machine transplanting.
- 20 days old seedlings for machine transplanting.
- 15 days old seedlings for machine transplanting.
4. Procedure
Step 1: fill a tray with bed soil.
Step 2: remove excess bed soil in the tray.
Step 3: sprinkle enough water on the soil in the tray.
Step 4: scatter rice seeds evenly on the soil in the tray.
- For 30 days old seedlings,
130g dry seeds ( 184g pre-germinated seeds) per tray.
- For 20 days old seedlings,
150g dry seeds ( 213g pre-germinated seeds) per tray.
- For 15 days old seedlings,
180g dry seeds ( 255g pre-germinated seeds) per tray.
- The dry seeds, soaked for 36 hours, incubated for 12 hours.
Step 5: cover the rice seeds with soil.
Step 6: place the trays on wet-bed nursery or concrete floor.
5. Others
- Seeding quantity depends on seedling age to be transplanted, seed size, season, soil fertility, variety, etc.
- Seedling age to be transplanted is changeable depending on whether condition.
- About 40 squared meter of concrete floor should be prepared by the university. The flood should be protected from rat's attack.
Practical Exercise(실습계획서)
1. Title: Sowing rice seeds on tray for machine transplanting
2. Materials
- plastic tray, bed soil, rice seeds, plastic water sprinkler, etc
3. Procedure
1) Fill a tray with bed soil
2) Remove excess bed soil in the tray
3) Sprinkle enough water on the soil in the tray
4) Scatter rice seeds evenly on the soil in the tray
- Disinfected and pre-germinated seeds are better
- 130g to 160g of dry seeds per tray
· Small seeds: 130 - 140g
· Large seeds: 150 - 160g
5) Cover the rice seeds with soil
6) Place the tray on wet-bed nursery
대학교 부충장 묘키워 박사
농학과 학과장 마마큐 박사
농학과 학과장, 본인 옆에 있는분이 학과장이다. 시험포장을 안내하고 있었다.
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