Raising infant seedling Raising infant seedling for machine transplanting ○ Preparation of the nursery soil ○ Fertilizer application ○ Sowing ○ Placing seedling tray ○ Transplanting Rice Production 2010.02.03
transplanting Transplanting for raised semi-adult seedling ○ Transplanting time : May ∼ June ○ Planting density : 75∼100 / 3.3 m² ( 23∼30 m² ) - Planting space : 30×12, 30×14 cm ○ Number of seedling per hill : 3∼5 seedlings ○ Transplanting depth of seedlings : 2∼3 cm Rice Production 2010.02.03
placing seedling tray Placing seedling tray for raising semi-adult seedling ○ Placing tray for seeds to be grown - On the protected semi-irrigated-bed with plastic film - In plastic house for 30 days in Korea ○ Number of days in nursery bed - 20∼30 days in warm regions - 15∼20 days in tropical countries Rice Production 2010.02.03
sprouting Sprouting, Greening, Hardening for raising semi-adult seedling ○ Sprouting at dark and high temperature - 30∼32 ℃, 2 days - Uniform rice seedlings ○ Greening and hardening - Elongated coleoptiles white due to darkness - Exposing them to indirect sunlight condition - Around 20℃ Rice Production 2010.02.03
sowing for raising semi-adult seedling Sowing for raising semi-adult seedling ○ Pregeminated seeds ○ Sowing by hand or sowing machine -Broadcasting the seeds in tray ( 60-30-3cm ) ○ Amount of seeds - Large grain 140-150g per tray - Medium grain 120-130g per tray - Small grain 110-120g per tray ○ 300 trays per one hectare Rice Production 2010.02.02
fertilizer application Fertilizer application for raising semi-adult seedling ○ N : P : K = 4 : 4 : 4g per tray - Size of seedling tray : 60 × 30 × 3 cm ○ Nitrogen 2 : 2g = basis : third leaf stage ○ Phosphorous and Potassium 4g at basis Rice Production 2010.02.02
preparation of the nursery soil Preparation of the nursery soil raising semi-adult seedling ○ Fine soil passing 5mm mesh, loamy, clay soil ○ Acid soil - pH 4.5 to 50 - better ○ Reducing pH value by sulfur powder or sulfuric acid - reducing 1 pH value of 100 kg nursery soil 55∼80g of sulfur powder - 40∼70cc of sulfuric acid diluted by 200 times in water Rice Production 2010.02.02
Semi-adult seedling method Raising semi-adult seedling for machine transplanting ○ Preparation of the nursery soil ○ Fertilizer application ○ Sowing ○ Sprouting, Greening, Hardening ○ Placing tray ○ Transplanting Rice Production 2010.02.02
Dry-Bed Method Dry-Bed Method for Raising Seedlings ○ Constructing seedbed -About 1-1.5m wide to facilitate seedbed management -Raising seedbed 4-5cm above the original soil level ○ Sowing rice seeds -Rate of seeding, 100g per m² of seedbed -Broadcasting seeds on seedbed -Sowing seeds 20-40 days before transplanting -50kg seeds per hectare ○ Not puddling ○ Not irrigating ○ Drainage not to inundate.. Rice Production 2010.02.01
Dapog Method Dapog Method for Raising Seedlings ○ Constructing seedbed -About 1-1.5m wide to facilitate seedbed management -Raising seedbed 4-5cm above the original soil level -Covering the bed with plastic sheets or banana leaves -Laying strips of 5cm-wide wooden board or banana bracts along the edges of the seedbed ○ Sowing rice seeds -Pregerminating seeds -Rate of seeding, 3000g per m² of seedbed -.. Rice Production 2010.02.01