미얀마 학생과 농민을 위한 영어 영농교본 집필작업이 잘 진행되고 있어, 서문을 미리 써 보았다. 한국말이든, 외국말이든 서문의 내용이 중요한데, 어떻게 서문을 쓰는지 그리고 완성될 교본은 어떠한지 아래 글을 통해 알수 있으리라 본다. 이 서문은 거의 확정된 내용으로 거의 그대로 서문으로 사용되어지리라 본다. Preface는 저자가, Foreword는 저자외 다른 사람이 쓰는 서문을 말한다.
Rice is cultivated throughout all the continents except Antarctica. It is said that the rice farming is about 10,000 years old, and the rice is eaten by about half the world's population. For most Asian people, the rice is not only the food, but also the life and the culture.
In the year 2011, I wrote a textbook whose title is 'Rice Cultivation Technology' for Indonesian students and farmers.
Before writing the book, I looked for an elementary textbook which includes the basic fundamentals on the rice and practical technologies on the rice farming. There are many rice-related reference books, but I could not find a synthetic textbook to easily understand for farmers and students wanting to learn the basic theory on the rice and the rice farming practice all together.
I wrote this book for Myanmarese students and farmers. However, I clarify that I quoted many ideas from many reference books written by the International Rice Research Institute's staffs, Japanese, Indian, Filipino, American, Korean scientists, etc.
This book is composed of 13 chapters with 151 descriptive items. The first to third chapter with 52 descriptive items include the basic fundamentals, and the fourth to thirteen chapter with 99 descriptive items include the practical technologies and theories on rice farming.
I hope that the cooperative relationship between Yezin Agricultural University in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and Mokpo National University in the Republic of Korea will be further strengthened
Ryu, Hae-yeong
It is said that rice farming is about 10,000 years old, and rice is eaten by about half the world's population. I think that rice is the food, the life, and the culture for the most Asin people.
I wrote a book whose title is 'Rice Cultivation Technology' for Indonesian students and farmers in 2011. Based on the book, I have written this book for Myanmarese students and farmers in 2014.
I clarify that I quoted many ideas from several books which are written by IRRI's sttafs, Japanes, Pliilpino, and Korean scientists.
Rice is vital to more than half the world's population. It is the most important food grain in the diets of hundreds of millions of Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans living in the tropics and subtroics.
I have been working in the rice-related task for thirty-seven years, as an extentionist, a rice breeder, a rice researcher, and sometime, a rice farming cosultant.
I looked for a single elementary textbook incuding the fundermentals and practices on rice growing.
'Rice Production2' 카테고리의 다른 글
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