Rice Production2

2. Method of Raising Seedling 60

유해영 2013. 12. 5. 19:04

 영문법강의제92강. 부정사의 용법 / 명사, 형용사, 부사적 용법  보완강의 종료


열대지역 농민을위해 영문 벼영농교본 저술을 시작했다. 하루에 1페이지 정도 진행이 되고 있다. 아래는 벼육묘방법에 관한 내용이다. 대략 1년정도 후에는 영농교본 본문이 완성되리라 본다.


2. Method of Raising Seedling 60

  The major methods of raising rice seedlings are wetbed, drybed, and dapog. The wetbed method is widely practiced by farmers in tropical Asia. The drybed method is preferred for rainfed lowland area where the frequency and amount of rainfall during the planting season are unpredictable. The dapog method was developed in Philippines, where the method is adopted. In some place of subtropics and the temperate zone, a tunnel shape seedbeds protected with polyethylene film are used. In East Asia, rice seedlings are commonly transplanted by transplanting machine. For machine transplanting, rice seedlings have to be raised on plastic seedling trays. The size of a seedling tray is 30×60×3cm. about 300 seedling trays are prepared for one hectare of paddy field in South Korea.

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